Taxonomic list T3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

os breve

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Home page Home page of the taxonomy
Top level organum Short Extended
Level 2 os Short Extended
Current level os breve Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
7475 271
os breve
short bone
23889 998 part
os carpi T4 29 children
bone of wrist ; carpal bone
24491 1178 part
os tarsi T4 22 children
tarsal bone
32672 275
os sesamoideum T4 11 children
sesamoid bone
4 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 271
Sublist 1 275 os sesamoideum 11/6 on 11.6.2024
Sublist 2 998 os carpi 29/12 on 11.6.2024
Sublist 3 1178 os tarsale 22/9 on 11.6.2024
Subtotals subchildren 62 subunits 27
Proper children 3
Number of children 65 (validated)
Proper units 1
Number of units 28 (validated)
Signature 13837 (validated since 11.6.2024)
Date: 31.12.2024